Order an Official Transcript

亚洲博彩平台排名与国家学生信息中心合作, a non-profit organization serving the higher education community, to issue official transcripts 电子 or by mail. Once you order your transcript, you can track your order via the Transcript Order Status tool.

  • To avoid any mail delays or interruptions, we 建议你选择用电子方式发送成绩单,而不是邮寄,如果可能的话。.
  • Be aware that requests for transcripts to be mailed (not including overnight requests) may take up to 5 business days to process after receipt.
  • Transcript requests for 在上午11点之后收到的隔夜快递将在下一个工作日处理.
  • CAS and AMCAS applicants, please note that CAS and AMCAS will maintain regular operations, but recommend students have their transcript delivered 电子, rather than by mail.

Free Transcript Request

如果你 qualify for a free transcript and require it 电子, please complete the Free Transcript Request Form and upload it in your order as an attachment. 如果你 need to submit other forms with your transcript, you may upload them as a pdf into your order, 也. 如果你 forget to upload the attachment into your order, contact Registrar@ewepub.com, cancel your order so that you can resubmit it with the free transcript form attached. We must have the attachment in the order, so that our processors know to reduce your transcript fee of $9.00 before your credit card is charged. You will be charged a $2.50手续费.